Marketing to take home
Use for Tier 2 Properties.
Auto blog, funnel links to other sites with backlinks to money sites
Get URL for tool
Go to, advanced search, type keyword, all subject area, choose date circa 1950, results standard 150, click search.
Can republish snippets. Copy snippets and make sure no results found. Once find journal not published go back to Oxford Journal search and select the journal. Use the same keyword and search. Perform same test to make sure no results found.
Once find copy URL of search results and paste in URL to bot, scrape page, will output csv file. Can combine 5 different ones into one blog post or make each one a separate blog post.
Use Google responder bot.
Copy 6 dots in csv file and run replace all with blank to get rid of 6 dots.
Open bot, tools, license info. Use proxy upload proxy list in .txt file.
Load csv data, hit run. At end of each column will say found or not found.
There is WP Importer to auto fill blog.
CSV Importer
Marketing concepts was formed to provide consulting on projects worldwide. Our activities include
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Marketing takes years of experience with traditional and technology approaches, access to professionals in related fields, professionalism and dedication to excellence ensure client satisfaction. 
Our background in a wide variety of settings provides a breadth of experience that proves beneficial when tailoring a solution to meet a client's needs and budget, whether the client is
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We are well qualified to analyze, design, develop, deliver and evaluate your knowledge projects and look forward to serving you.Consulting Experience
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